Klangforum Heidelberg commission
September 23, 2020 12:54 am
As part of its EINGESPERRT (“locked-in”) project, Klangforum Heidelberg commissioned Yu-Hui to compose a new piece, Saving Faces, for 6 vocalists and 6 instrumentalists. This new piece is a reaction towards the recent development of facial recognition technology, commenting on how the individuals and the human society as a whole are thus affected. From October 24-28, 2020, SCHOLA HEIDELBERG and ensemble aisthesis, led by artistic director Walter Nußbaum, will give the premiere performances in several German cities, including Heidelberg, Hannover, Karlsruhe, and Oldenburg. Also on the program are Clemens Gadenstätter’s “die zelle” and Ye Shen’s “Raum/Distanz”.
SCHOLA Heidelberg ensemble aisthesis